Destatis awards Prize for Young Researchers

November 30, 2024

The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) has awarded four scientific papers with the Prize for Young Researchers “Statistical Science for Society”. One of the awards went to Dr. Simon Schmaus for his dissertation titled “Methoden regionalisierter dynamischer Mikrosimulationen”[Methods of Regionalized Dynamic Microsimulations], which he wrote as part of the MikroSim project.

The certificates were presented by Dr. Ruth Brand, President of Destatis, during the organisation’s 33rd Scientific Colloquium. The laudatory speech in honor of the award winners was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich, Chairman of the Review Committee. We congratulate all four award winners.

Group Photo in Wiesbaden

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich, Dr. Ruth Brand, Dr. Elisa Rottner, Dr. Simon Schmaus, Severin Weiand, B.A., Inken Siems, M.Sc.