In the MikroSimulatoR application, summarised results of the MikroSim project are presented using an R-Shiny app. The MikroSimulatoR shows the simulated development of the population of Germany and its districts for various scenarios up to the year 2040.
More detailed explanations of the web application can be found on the website of the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS).
Declaration of consent
The following button will take you directly to the interactive web application MikrosimulatoR.
The interactive web application uses services from the provider Microsoft Azure [One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA 98052-6399, United States] via the service "Azure Contrainer Registry" service, which is hosted on servers in Germany. Personal data (including IP address) and technically necessary cookies (affinity cookies (affinity cookies) are stored and processed within this region.
We would like to point out that the personal data processed by Microsoft Azure may be transferred to a third country (e.g. to the USA without a corresponding adequacy decision pursuant to Art. 45 GDPR), if this is necessary, for example, to comply with a law or due to a binding order of a government authority.
By clicking on the "Accept" button, you consent to this possible data processing in the USA and therefore outside the scope of the GDPR consent. Without consent, the use of the applications is not possible.